Bath Exhaust Fan
Panasonic Bathroom Exhaust Fan
This is a small item that can be easily overlooked or not given much-deserved attention. The bathroom exhaust fan is one of many small items in the home that require a great deal of attention.
Our bathrooms need the proper ventilation to remove odors, moisture, humidity, and other pollutants. You and your loved ones will feel more comfortable and breathe healthier air with the proper exhaust ventilation installed.
The picture (to the) right is a great fan, a Panasonic Whisper Quiet Energy Efficient model with night light. This is one of the most popular models installed by our company for a few reasons; it is extremely quiet, energy-efficient, and powerful. You can choose to have a variety of lighting options with this exhaust fan as well as a heater component.
Performance Testing
When BEST Techs Contracting starts a project that requires a bathroom exhaust fan, we will first start by testing the performance of the existing fan motor. This step is part of the overall Home Performance Testing and Measuring we perform on all our remodels. The picture to the left shows Jason testing a homeowner’s bathroom exhaust fan, this particular fan has extremely low performance, therefore the exchange of airflow in the bathroom is not performing the function it is intended to do. Without proper airflow, the homeowners have complained the bathroom (without a window) has a buildup of moisture every time someone takes a shower. Oh no, this could lead to mold issues and very unhealthy air quality. No worries here, we will install a high-quality product and vent it properly to the outside.
Essential steps to the overall quality
In this last photo above, we see Jason (shadow) owner of BEST Techs Contracting, taking a picture of the finished bathroom exhaust fan vent, which is vented to the outside, NOT to the attic. This is the last but particularly important step to the overall quality of install. We often see handyman work, where someone has installed a bathroom exhaust fan and it looks great in the bathroom, until we go into the attic. This is where the handyman has left the venting open to the attic, a big mistake. Make sure your bathroom exhaust fan is vented to the outside. In colder weather, the moist and humid air extracted from your bathroom exhaust fan will condense where it is vented, liquefying into water, which can lead to mold issues and rotten wood, not to mention possible rodent issues.
Maintenance is key to a long running appliance. Over time the fan will become clogged with dirt, which should be vacuumed on a regular basis.
With BEST Techs Contracting, we maintain our clients installed products with our warranty service and offer a Home Energy Maintenance Program (HEMP) for a minimal yearly fee. Please call us anytime for more information.